Monday, September 27, 2010

10 Things I Find Attractive in Guys

Mi dispiace.  Really.  I'm such a slacker.  I've just been so busy with school and work and more work and homework and... other things.

So - This was just something random I was thinking about today.

  1. Sense of Humor - If he doesn't make me laugh, it's never going to work out between us.
  2. Dark Hair - I really don't know why, darker hair is more sexy.
  3. Spiritual Hotness - Things like serving a mission and speaking up in Sunday School give him major brownie points.
  4. Black Framed glasses - I like nerdy guys :)
  5. He's a gentleman every once in a while - now don't get me wrong, I don't think a guys should open the door for the girls ALL the time, but sometimes it's a nice gesture.
  6. Movie Lover - I make a lot of movie references - it's a good sign when he can keep up with most of them.
  7. Speaks a Foreign Language - I now have a lot of respect for people who speak more than one language.  It's extra sexy when it's Italian ;)
  8. Smells really good - C'mon, who doesn't LOVE that?
  9. Cooks - because I can't cook at all.
  10. Quirky - I like it when a guy is a little weird, because it means he is being himself. 


hannah joel said...

Did you just describe your Italian professor?

Unknown said...

Heeeeeeey :-/ not totally! He only covers like 4 bullet points. Plus, he's married :(

Shirl said...

Aleesha: I like your list. It shows me you put a lot of thought into it.