Thursday, February 16, 2012


I was feeling a little rebellious today after my teacher for one of my classes sent me an e-mail fifteen minutes before our appointment to tell me that she had to reschedule... again.

So what did I do?

In honor of sticking it to the man (or woman), I didn't go to her class today.

Yeah... that will show her.

Students need a new way to cope with ridiculous teachers. Sure there are student ratings at the end of the year, but those aren't enough.  I want justice now!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Why I'm Still Awake

I'm studying for a grammar test.  I hate it when tests want you to supply short essay answers.  It means no guessing whatsoever.  You have to know it all!  Grrr...

Do you know what a Shibboleth is?  I do.  Right now, I kind of wish I didn't.

Ok, enough procrastinating.  Back to studying.

Happy Monday, by the way :) even though it does mean going back to school, it also means it's a brand new week, and that is a happy thought!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

You know it's bad when

You know it's bad when you are over at your aunt's house on a Saturday night, because you've got nothing else to do, and she points out how you are badly in need of a boyfriend.

Sigh... She's right.

(All the single ladies...)

Thursday, February 2, 2012

I will admit

The only reason I like this song as much as I do is because of Zachary Levi.  

He's cute, he's a major nerd, and he can sing. What a babe.