Thursday, November 19, 2009

Too Lazy for a Title



What a crazy week.  I'm sooooooo ready for a break.  Even if I have to work.  On Black Friday.  And Saturday.  On the bright side, I'm working early in the morning and getting it over with.  That's good, right?

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


I have an issue. 

Whenever I think I know what's a good change for me, I change it, but then I almost instantly change it back. 

I think I'm afraid of change. 

How can I change this?

It's not just on big decisions either.  Have you seen how many times I've changed my blog background lately?  If you haven't, trust me when I say I've changed it MANY times.


I really know I need to accept change, but there's nothing wrong with liking where you're at, right?

I just got used to everything.  Do I need to change things right now?  I don't think so.

I think I'm just overthinking this - just like everything else.  Oh well, I need to get my mind off homework.

Well, on a completely unrelated subject, I've been writing again!  Yes, a good new notebook help me get my words back.  I'll have to start posting stuff again soon.  I had no idea how much I missed writing until I got it back.  That's always how it goes...

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Dear Person Coughing in the Testing Center Yesterday,

You gave me your cough. 

Thanks, idiot. 

Did you not read the sign that you see right before you enter - let me remind you. 

STOP! Don't enter if you are sick!

It better not turn into the flu.  Next time, think before you enter and use lots of hand sanitizer.  And the next time you want to cough in my direction, don't.



Sunday, November 1, 2009


I'm feeling really good about myself right now.  I've learned that when I get mad, I just need to let go of the anger.  If I don't, I'm going to miss out on a lot of things.  I am tempted to stay mad, but once I let it go, I'm so glad I didn't let myself marinate in the self-pity.  Let's hope I can keep this up.

Happy Sunday!