Saturday, November 29, 2008

Stupid Cold

Working until midnight when you have a cold is not a good idea. I was so delirious, it wasn't even funny.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


I feel so much better. All of my college applications are in! Hooray! I finished the last one at 11:00 last night. Now, all I have to worry about are the scholarship and financial aid deadlines which are in a couple of months and not nearly as stressful.

I can breathe again. It's amazing!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Tale As Old As Time

Okay, so Wednesday and Thursday I saw my high school's production of Beauty and the Beast.


First of all, you have to understand a few things:
  1. Belle is (and has been for years) my favorite Disney Princess.
  2. The movie alone is on my top 10 list (FYI, it's a very competitive list).
  3. Many, many, many, of my friends were in this play.

So this sounds like I'm really biased, but even if you place these reasons aside, I would still love it.

It's such a great story, and it was a great production. Closing night is Wednesday, so if any of can go, you NEED to. For those of you reading this immediately after I've posted this (chances are no one), then there's also a matinee at 1:00 PM.

Please go see it! I promise you, it's well worth it.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Drive Me Crazy

I'm bugged. There seems to be so much progress made, and then, I'm back to where I started. It's life I guess, but here's my thought on it:

It sucks.

Hopes are up and then back down as fast as they came. If there's a medium to all this insanity, can I have that for a few days. All of these stupid emotions are hurting my brain!

Sorry, sorry. Happy thoughts... I'll just learn to live with it. It might take me a while though... my guess is 50 - 60 years, give or take.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Since You Are So Curious

Some of you may recall a blog post that was published last week. Some (okay, one) wanted to know what it was all about, because apparently, if I don't tell her, I'm going to be water tortured Chinese style. So, I give. I'll let you know what it was about. But, from now on, every once in a while you have to let me have my writing moments. A little mystery in my writing is good creatively sometimes.

Okay, so... I was working on November 5th. It was about 8:30 and we were all anxious to close the store. A lady came up to the customer service desk and asked me if we had anymore of these bowls she was looking for. I told her that if she didn't see them over where she found those other bowls, we didn't have anymore. I told her that I could call another store to check and see if they had anymore.

In between calls, this lady and I had a few conversations. One was about her sophomore grandson, another was about me and my plans for school. (I didn't really want to talk about myself, but I didn't want to be rude. I just answered all the questions she had for me.)

It was now about 8:45. She had left the store, while I continued to call other stores. Finally, I found the set of bowls she was looking for and had them sent up to our store the following week. After locating the bowls I called and told her they would be in on Monday.

Now for the part I was writing about in the previous post. She took our online survey and left this comment:

"I made a purchase of Fall Clearance glassware and needed three more of the same item. Aleesha spent considerable time calling other stores to locate these items. After I had to leave to get to another store before it closed, she continued to call, located the items and called to let me know when they would be in her store. It was 8:30 p.m., she was gracious and extremely helpful at such a late hour, after I'm sure a full day of school and work. She couldn't have been more efficient and pleasant. Your company is fortunate to have her representing Robert's to the public."

This is exactly what she said. So my point about my blog post was that I finally received some good recognition for my job. It wasn't anything I wouldn't have done for any other customer, but the fact that she noticed that I was going out of my way to perform good customer service was awesome. I'm glad someone finally showed appreciation.

That's what I meant when I wrote the above post. It was just too long of a story.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Good-bye...For Now

It's been a hard decision, but after deep contemplation, I have decided to put Emerson College on hold.

After thinking about it, how homesick would I be if I just got up and left for Boston? It would be really hard. I think I'm going to slowly pull myself away instead of ripping myself out of the nest. I think that's the more wise decision.

And, it's expensive. I think that's the #2 reason on my list of why I shouldn't go. I know there's financial aid, and all that good crap, but it's not a for sure thing.

Yeah, so thanks Emerson for sparking my interests. I'll look you up again in a year or two.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Hey Unloving, I Will Love You

Hey unfaithful,
Hey ungraceful,
Hey unloving,
I will love you.
Hey unloving,
I will love you.

If you listen to the beginning of this song, I bet you'll never guess who sings it. Since I know it's going to bug you, and you're going to google it, I'll save you some time and tell you it's Underoath. (I know, I was just as shocked as you probably are. Well, it's actually more of a shock if you listen to the beginning of the song first.)

Anyway - back to my point - I just wanted to say, I think this is beautiful. It reminds me that I make mistakes, but I'm still loved by you wonderful people. (Yeah, I know I blew the creative bubble on that one, but I'm tired and multitasking, so my mind isn't exactly in tip-top condition.)

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

A Thought

Someone finally noticed.

The problem was it was a person I least expected.

Thanks again.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Opinions and Decisions

It feels good to vote. The big 18-year-old gets to vote. I went at a good time to go, too. I get out of school early on A-Days, so it was about 1:30 when I went over to Eaglecrest Elementary. There were hardly any people in line. Awesome.
Now that I've finally been able to experience voting, I have some mixed feelings about it.
I'm glad I've been able to voice my opinion; it makes me think someone cares about the minorities, too. On the other hand, the minority thing is the problem. I'm one vote out of millions. How can my vote matter?
I guess that's how everyone has to feel though. Everyone thinks their one vote won't make a difference, so they don't vote. I think the truth is the more people you get to vote, the greater the outcome will be. If 100 people voted this year that didn't vote last year, those 100 people can be influential. This is hard to explain, but do you see my point? (I can think of what I'm saying, and it makes sense in my head; it doesn't make sense when I try to put it into words though.)
Thanks for bearing with me through that little spiel. It seems like you have to do that a lot for my sake.