I've been a very busy bee lately about colleges, and amongst my searching I came across this - Emerson College. It's a college in Boston, MA, that specializes in communications, editing, fine arts, etc. And hey, if you know me, you know it's a very good fit.
So I told my mom about this unique find. She had never heard of it, and when I asked her what she thought about it, she said (and I quote), "I don't think so."
CRUSH!!! Not even a chance to explain anything about it. I mean of course, I understand it is slightly out of the question and out of our price range (eight times more than the schools I've been planning on), but still, to completely throw out the idea without even a second thought. This is a prestigious school, and it's as close to Ivy League as I can get (with an ACT score of 25 anyway).
So much for being open minded. I mean, I know she's just trying to be practical, and I'm not mad. I just think it shouldn't be shot down without rightful consideration.
I think I'll apply for it anyway. You never know.
Why, oh why can't we be rich?
Rich! HA!
Why would being rich keep you from doing what you want?!
If you want to go to Emerson college, then you need to.
I really hope you go to the college of your dreams!
I don't mean to put a damper on your dreams. I love ya, you know that, and I for one would never want to make you feel like you can't do or be anything that you ever wanted. I am just a realist! Money opens doors, that's all I am saying.
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