Sunday, February 21, 2010


  1. Even when I try to hold really still, I can't help but rock myself back and forth slightly.
  2. I just watch the cheesy parts of movies sometimes; I do it to fill up a hole inside synthetically because I'm so pathetic.
  3. I'm one of those annoying people that make comments during movies.
  4. When I'm too warm in bed, the only thing I will uncover is my feet.  I can't just take all of my covers off or else I can't sleep.
  5. I harshly judge myself all the time, even when I know it's not fair to me.
  6. My guilty pleasures include:  Glee and chocolate. And Facebook.
  7. I pick at my split-ends when I'm bored.
  8. I've never finished a journal/writing notebook.
  9. No matter how grown-up I get, I will never get sick of Disney movies.
  10. I always need to finish my lists on a digit that ends in five or zero.


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