Thursday, July 15, 2010

Work Rant

Why is it all the crazy things happen when I'm shorthanded at work?  Ready for this?  

First, I'm training someone - that's hard enough to do when I'm not shorthanded.  So basically, I'm trying to do my job, while showing someone how to do theirs at the same time.  

Second - A group of teenagers came into the store that I wanted to punch.  They touched everything in sight, and I even caught a kid licking a wooden rainbow to, and I quote, "See if it tasted like Skittles." I was an inch away from kicking them out of the store, but they finally left.  

Third - an old guy comes in and, while giving me strange requests,  starts spouting off these conspiracy theories and putting scriptures out of context to back them up.  He did this for an hour.  

Lastly - while amidst all this chaos, I totally forgot there was a balloon order due near closing time.  50 Balloons.  With the help of one of my coworkers, we were able to work like lightning and get them done in 20 minutes.  Thank goodness, she was ok with that.  

Long story short (too late!) I'm so glad this day is done.

1 comment:

Jennie said...

I TOTALLY feel for you my friend! I have all sorts of stories I could tell you...but instead I'll just say I'm sorry! It's days like that you wish you weren't a supervisor! And you should've kicked the teens out! (I say that, but I probably wouldn't have done it either, except maybe there at the end.)