Saturday, August 7, 2010

Favorite Dynamic Duos

Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck

These two have kept me laughing for years.  My favorite is when they are trying to persuade Elmer Fudd that it's either Rabbit Season or Duck Season.  Sigh... Classic.

Lorelai and Rory Gilmore

Lorelai: Kirk asked me out.
Rory: Shut up!
Lorelai: Yesterday.
Rory: That's so sweet!
Lorelai: Rory!
Rory: What are you gonna wear? Ooh, you should wear your dress with the ponies on it, I bet he likes ponies.
Lorelai: You're not serious.
Rory: I bet you'll have a good time.
Lorelai: "Hello, headmaster Charleston, this is my stepdad, Kirk. Try not to make any sudden movements, he's a fear biter!"
Rory: OK, so how are you gonna let him down?

Bert and Ernie

Ernie: Come on Bert, what kind of movie has a sad ending?
Bert: Titanic. Titanic had a sad ending.

Batman and Robin

Holy hole in the donut, Batman!

Shawn and Gus

Receptionist: There is a Lt. Crunch here to see you.
Burton 'Gus' Guster: Crunch?
Shawn Spencer: [enters, dressed in a Civil War uniform] Actually, I've been promoted. It's Captain Crunch.


Unknown said...

My favorite duo is peanut butter and chocolate. :)

Angela said...

oops, that was your mom saying that, not Tyler. He must have been logged in on my computer.