Thursday, January 27, 2011

This Week

This week has been filled with lots of bad dreams.

Yes, one of those weeks.

It's also been filled with
crushed high hopes,
ridiculously close calls,
and critical evaluations.

Not particularly what I would call a "good" week.

But it is Thursday, which means tomorrow is Friday :)
That is something to be happy about, don't you think?

Sunday, January 23, 2011


I'm so sorry, it's been a while.  Nothing is going on - my life is boring.  I've just been reading.  A lot.  For school and personal pleasure.  It's been kind of nice, actually.  I thought more reading on top of the mounds of reading I already had would be a bad idea.  As it turns out, it's actually a nice stress reliever.  Ha, go figure.

Anyway, so I am writing to tell you that I'm going to be writing some more.  Some of my plans are:
100 Things About Me - like this.
Random pictures,
Some things from my writer's book,
Possibly some narration on what's happening in my life right now,

...And that's all I can think of right now.

School is going well so far.  I think.  Haha, I like it, but that's probably because we haven't gotten into a lot of the work yet.  But, I find all the lectures I go to fascinating, and I'm learning lots :) It's good, ya know.  Life is good!

Friday, January 14, 2011


"She is the kind of girl who is always smiling and loves to laugh.  If you are falling down, she will be right there to pick you up.  She is the one that always says sorry, even if it's not her fault.  Even if she is feeling like the scum of the earth, she will never let you know.  This is the girl who is afraid of love, because she has already lost so much."

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Isn't it just
Grand when a friend
I love, someone who is so
Vivacious, accepting, and 
Endearing, leaves me without an
Umbrella in the
Pouring rain?

Monday, January 10, 2011


Every once in a while, I love to look at these pictures from Flickr.  If you click on a day, you can see that Flickr picks 500 pictures that are uploaded everyday that are the most interesting to them.  I love looking at the creativity people show every day!  It inspires me, and goodness knows how much I need it right now.

Things are good right now.  Kind of slow, but I'm not complaining - it will start getting really crazy after I start working again.  

I've had lots on my mind lately.  I have a priority list that requires too many "first priorities" if that makes any sense.  I need to get refocused, I think.  

I've started utilizing things like calendars, to-do lists, and budgets to help get me out of my bad habits, and I gotta say, I like it so far.  I like the organization - why haven't I been doing this all along?  It's made things a lot easier and less stressful.  Can't every college student use that in their lives?

Thursday, January 6, 2011

New Semesterrrrr


  • Biology 100
According to, this should be an easy class.  
No textbook and no final.  Holla!
  • Religion 130 - AKA Mission Prep
I'm pretty excited for this class.  The teacher is hilarious, and it seems like it's going to be really easy as well. There are only 2 papers, 3 tests (all open book and open notes), and minor reading assignments.
  • Italian 102
Forza Italia!  Basically we are just reviewing everything we learned in 101, reading Pinnochio (the real version where *SPOILER* Jiminy Cricket is killed!), and learning a few more grammatic principles.
  • English 382 - AKA Shakespeare
This is the class that I will probably have issues with.  It's my first upper level class. Lots of reading and writing (which is understandable, since I am an English major).  The professor is what scares me.  I've heard through other English majors that I need to take her for at least one class in my BYU career; she is a really tough teacher, but she will make me a better writer, reader, scholar, etc.  

All in all, I think this should be a pretty interesting semester.  I don't start work at the TC until the 19th, so I'll be able to stay on top of my homework until then.  I'm going to try really hard to not get behind after I start working again.  I think that's the key I've been missing this whole time, haha.  

This semester, my goals are to cut down on distractions, keep my stress level low, and enjoy the ride :)

Monday, January 3, 2011


Another new year already?  It seems like I just started 2010.  Yes, I have some goals, but in fear of me jinxing them with the "New Year's Goals" title, (other things can include: Resolutions, Determinations, Headaches, I'm-going-to-try-but-I-know-I'll-fail-s, etc.) I'm going to just keep them under the radar and work on them more sincerely than I have the last few times.

Sorry, I kind of wanted to write something clever today, but I ran out of steam.  It's been a long day.

And guess what?  Classes start tomorrow.  Ugh.  I need another week.
Ohhhhh well.