Sunday, January 23, 2011


I'm so sorry, it's been a while.  Nothing is going on - my life is boring.  I've just been reading.  A lot.  For school and personal pleasure.  It's been kind of nice, actually.  I thought more reading on top of the mounds of reading I already had would be a bad idea.  As it turns out, it's actually a nice stress reliever.  Ha, go figure.

Anyway, so I am writing to tell you that I'm going to be writing some more.  Some of my plans are:
100 Things About Me - like this.
Random pictures,
Some things from my writer's book,
Possibly some narration on what's happening in my life right now,

...And that's all I can think of right now.

School is going well so far.  I think.  Haha, I like it, but that's probably because we haven't gotten into a lot of the work yet.  But, I find all the lectures I go to fascinating, and I'm learning lots :) It's good, ya know.  Life is good!

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