Monday, January 10, 2011


Every once in a while, I love to look at these pictures from Flickr.  If you click on a day, you can see that Flickr picks 500 pictures that are uploaded everyday that are the most interesting to them.  I love looking at the creativity people show every day!  It inspires me, and goodness knows how much I need it right now.

Things are good right now.  Kind of slow, but I'm not complaining - it will start getting really crazy after I start working again.  

I've had lots on my mind lately.  I have a priority list that requires too many "first priorities" if that makes any sense.  I need to get refocused, I think.  

I've started utilizing things like calendars, to-do lists, and budgets to help get me out of my bad habits, and I gotta say, I like it so far.  I like the organization - why haven't I been doing this all along?  It's made things a lot easier and less stressful.  Can't every college student use that in their lives?

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