Monday, June 6, 2011

Day 02- The Meaning Behind your Blog Name

Breathe me in.

To be honest, I don't even know how I came up with it.  All I knew was I wanted to start a blog to start keeping track of my creativity a little bit better.  Anyone could read it and give me their thoughts on my thoughts.  I wanted them to experience what I was experiencing.  A good metaphor, I thought, for that was breathing.

Breathe me in.  Know what I'm experiencing.  Feel what I'm feeling.

My blog has changed a lot since I've created it; it's evolved just like I have over the last few years.  It's now more of a journal, but I still think that the title applies.

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

I think of all your blog posts, this is the one that resonates the most with me, because it sounds the most like you.

Your best written post, I think.