Saturday, January 19, 2008


Ok, so my favorite teacher, Mrs. Bingham just gave me her blog address. Check it out. She's amazing. And let me know if it's a "you have to know her to get this" kind of a thing because I think she is hilarious. Oh, by the way, the link is over on the right side. -->
I think I need to start requesting Tuesdays off of work. Get this: I only work two days next week. Guess which days they are? That's right Tuesday and Thursday (also hard to work on this day with Big Brother Big Sister). I think now that's it a sure thing that I am staying at Roberts for a while, I need request to only work on Tuesdays if they desprately need me to. I feel like I'm inactive because I haven't been to Young Womens in so long.
Well, I've done some more photography, which I can't post because they are pictures of myself, but I also did some of just objects so I'll try to get those posted tomorrow.
The semester is over at school and I finally have Creative Writing with Mrs. Bingham. This year for our "journals" she said she might let us do our blogs. So, just for warning, I might actually post something creative every once in a while.
Ok, as if this post wasn't already jumping around from topic to topic. I'm going to change the address site of my blog. I just want something more creative. So if you think of anything, let me know. I won't change it for at least another week once I come up with a name. And I'm going to make this font big so all of you can read it and won't forget that I'm changing things around. B-]

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