Sunday, October 12, 2008


I've been putting this off, but it is inevitable. I was tagged by Suzie to share eight things about myself that are quirky. My first thought was that this shouldn't be too hard, since I consider myself to be a very quirky person. However, as I'm writing this, I keep coming up with embarrassing things instead of just quirky. Is there a difference? Oh, well, I'm just going to write eight things down quickly.

  1. I'm a sucker for cheesy movies. I love 'em. But they can't be bad cheesy, because then the movie doesn't work. For example, I watched the movie Another Cinderella Story and thought it was good. It was cheesy in some parts, but it was a good cheesy.
  2. I'm insanely jealous of people who get more than eight hours of sleep at night on a regular basis. Want to trade places for a couple of days?
  3. Despite what many people think, I hate country music. I don't know why, but lots of people when they look at me think that I like country music. WRONG!!
  4. Many times at night when I can't sleep, I write. Amazingly enough, there is usually something on my mind that I haven't really been thinking about during the day. I need to get it completely off my mind before I can rest peacefully.
  5. When I'm coming home from work at night, I pick a couple of rocking songs on my iPod and yell the lyrics. So if you ever see my car on I-15 at 11:00 PM, and you peer in my window, you will probably see me behaving like an idiot.
  6. I've always wanted to join chess club just to say I was on chess club.
  7. I cry every time I grow out my hair and cut it short. Every time. I don't do it during the haircut, but I go home, style it, see myself differently and cry. Maybe I should stop cutting my hair short...
  8. I love being ignorant. For example, I've always felt that I was meant to do great things, and I think one day I can make a difference. Yet, how many people say this but never accomplish it? Oh well.


Tricia said...

hahah- that is funny- I am going to look for you singing....

Penguin said...

Also a sucker for cheesy movies. Mostly just the chick-flick genre. There's something to be said about the idealism of it all. Like Serendipity. I love that movie. The idea that there's one person out there that I'm meant to be with, and that the planets will align and the fates will intervene to ensure that I end up with this person? It's a nice thought to hold on to. Especially in high school.

Stacy said...

You are quirky! But stinkin cute at the same time!

Suzie said...

Yep. That's what I thought. Quirky, smart & cute!