For those of you who need an update, read the first part of this before you read part 2.
Fantastic, I thought, This is the perfect time to find out I'm living in a creepy old house that supposedly was "exciting".
I sighed, picked up the final box filled with miscallaneous items, and walked back inside.
Before I get too ahead of myself, I guess I'd better share the story about why I'm here. It's not extremely interesting, but it is the reason why I'm here.
About a year ago, I graduated from Ashland University in Ohio with a degree in journalism. I thought it would be easy to get a job after that; I was wrong. I had the degree but not the experience, which was what all of the best newspapers wanted. It looked like I only had two choices: be an intern for a while, or stp way form the bigger newspapers and take a job for a small town paper for a while. I looked at both options and realized that I couldn't afford to be paid on an intern's salary for a couple of months. It paid too little. I accepted my fate and started looking for jobs at a small newspaper.
As soon as I found a job that would be flexible ough for me, I packed up and left Ashland and came here. Sure, it was a step down from where I wanted to be, but hopefully, after a while, I'd have enough experience to move on to better things. After all, everyone has to start somewhere.
Out of all the small town with newspapers, Ottoville seemed to be a good pick, and the town was only three hours away from where I grew up, Cleveland, Ohio.
All in all, I was excited. I needed some more changes to take place. I found a small house with an amazing rent price and moved.
This is how I met Jason. As any good gentleman would, he asked if he could help while I was hauling boxes into the house. He was cute. Very cute. I'd be crazy if I said just said, "no thanks." That how we got to talking.
1 comment:
I hate it when you leave me hanging!! You can't stop the story right there!!! :)
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